Tuesday, September 11, 2007

i am officially out of it...

okay this time it is real... i am liking him as more than a friend...
i am playing with the feelings of three people at the same time...
but im not doing it on purpose...
the first person im playing with... i think is also playing with me...
he does seem to be just enjoying his own little game with me...
for me, it is just a test of will...
on who should give in first...
but that person is not me for i long for someone else...
the 2nd person...
he knows about the 1st person and he is actually dear to me...
i know im not really playing with him... or am i?

but the saddest part is the game i hve with the 3rd person... me...
i am playing with myself and my heart...
i now accept the fact that i like 2nd person as more than a friend...
yet i continue to play the 1st person...
how can i ever get out from this mess i got myself into??